Here are two numbers to juggle with. They are 81 and 152. 81 is the number of comments I found in my spam folder yesterday and 152 is the number of comments I have found there today.
90% of the comments were originally posted by me in response to visitors' comments. They dated back to 2007. None of these comments were offensive and none were written to promote dodgy businesses.
You can imagine how irritating and time-consuming it is to plough through a folder packed with alleged spam comments. You have to re-publish each comment individually and what I do not know is what tomorrow will bring. Will my spam folder be annoyingly refilled by mindless Blogger bots?
Although Blogger has been a pretty kind and efficient host through the years, there seems to be no way of complaining to the service or explaining user problems to them. It's the same with a lot of big businesses these days. They just don't want us talking to them or even finding ways and means of contacting them. It is very frustrating.
Still thinking about numbers. This old Beatles song contains a number which indicates precisely my wife Shirley's birthday age tomorrow. It is hard to believe that she was just twenty years old when we first met and fell in love over forty three years ago. I was her Paul and she was my Linda.
from Yorkshire Pudding