
The little miracles
Are you texts
That cheer 
Me up
Even when
I didn’t know
I needed it
Speaking life
And positivity 
Into this being
With a hardened 
Heart at the moment
Find me
To your call
Don’t abandon
Your child
Who goes
More than
These days
Finding the voice
That is mine
In an honesty 
That holds back
Nothing at all
Raw and unfiltered
Right now
Is my mental state
Seeking the truth
No matter 
The cost
We as humans
Forget freedom
Isn’t free
In any form
Keeping my
Mouth shut
Is what 
Is best
For me
Under duress
Hardest to gain
Easiest to lose
Be careful
The circle
Is a representation
Of its importance
Make me
A proud representative
Of the circle
You died to secure

from R's rue


I am heading down to London this morning with my nurse - Mrs Pudding. We won't be back till Sunday evening. The main purpose of the visit is to spend time with  our grandson Zach... and his parents of course! I will also be burgling Steve Reed's apartment in West Hampstead. He is away in South America at the moment so this should be the perfect opportunity to riffle through his belongings and get what I want.

Keir Starmer invited me over to 10 Downing Street to celebrate Labour's recent election victory but I declined as that meeting would have clashed with our Sunday  lunch booking at "The Brown Cow" in Fulham. 

I should of course be back home in time to watch the European Nations Cup Final  on Sunday night - beamed live from Berlin. 

Come On England!

from Yorkshire Pudding