I did it - I made it through five days four nights of three teenagers who eat, sleep, take showers and step right out of the shower dripping wet apparently (not sure which one doesn't know how to towel off before stepping out)...They ate  all my ice cream bars which was okay and because I was afraid they would melt if we had a power outage which luckily we have made it through two wind events so far with no outage.  The food - wow - the food they consumed - amazing.  My grandson wanted all his favorite meals we use to cook for him so of course he got them.

  Anyway - wow, California has a lot of fires going again.  I think I need to move ...but where?  We had one at the foot of the mountains which is still not even half contained but the wind was blowing it away from traveling up the mountain , at least yesterday.  After today I believe there is a break in the winds and then colder winds come in on Monday.

California and October (winds) are not best buddies - they are at odds with each other and they need to just get along before we are all driven out to other places like to your states.

So the kids are on their way to another son's house in Bend, Oregon - ..  Kids do not know how to make sensible plans like us adults - they have no schedule, no clue of traffic in California - ...nor which route to take which doesn't have a fire in the county ..but damn - they have made it almost out of California.  The one thing they wanted to do on the way was make sure to stop at an IN N OUT Burger - We got a text a bit ago that they were enjoying their hamburgers.

This grandson who visited along with his girlfriend and friend wanted to take a hike to heart rock and wanted us to go with them.  It was a beautiful day, the winds hadn't started and I mistakenly put on a fragrant lotion which sent out an alert to the bugs to come and get me.  It was a miserable walk for me but fun for them.

So I'll miss them but glad to have my routine back.