
Yes it is Quiztime once again. Sponsored by Uncle Joe's Mintballs, this week's theme is geography. As usual, answers will be give in the "Comments" section.


1. What is the longest river in the world?

2. What is the tallest mountain on this planet?

3. What is the most populous city?

4. What is the coldest desert? (It is also the biggest one)

5. What is the most populous country?

6. In which ocean will you find the deepest trench?

7. Which American state has the greatest land area?

8. Which is the smallest American state?

9. How many islands are there in Indonesia?
(a) Just over 500 islands 
(b) Just over 17,500 islands 
or (c) Just over 175,000 islands

10. What is the largest island in The Caribbean Sea?

"How did you do?" says Uncle Joe.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/4ZDbHqB



Is a birthday 

I love

To celebrate 

Happy birthday 


from R's rue https://ift.tt/ibNIgrH

Ice cold

 Taking  a walk down memory lane dancing to some Sam Hunt. Finding the groove with two left feet is still fun. Activating the joy within me. Twirling through the fields of dandelions. Singing at the top of my lungs. Letting fear and anxiety go with every move. Letting the sights and sounds be my mate. Putting on some old muddy boots. Reveling in the clay mask I’ve made. The winds of time stand still for no one, but in that moment, it feels infinite. Nature and I are one in tranquility. I’m grounded to the earth. Never more sure of who I am. In this moment, I search for the mustard seed. The anger in me dissipates as I lose myself in Your embrace. The bear hugs, the sweetest kisses and when you see me, you stare in amazement. That You made me. That I’ve chosen You. That I’m nothing without you. That I’m lost without you. I’m wholly dependent on You. 

I’ve come to the end of self. That’s why I amble around the local Tractor Supply. I look to buy a water through to sit and soak in. I need to be one with my pets. Shivering in the cold brings a clarity I couldn’t locate. I submerge myself in the ice and sigh. Peace is a muddy boot, a sports bra and Soffe short covered in ice cubes from the freezer and cold water from a hose. 

I dream of Chanel and a strand of pearls on a yacht in the Mediterranean, and yet the cows and green grass in my own backyard is what brings me back to life. What does that say. The dreams fuel me to continue, but my reality centers me. 

from R's rue https://ift.tt/BYQwpMa