Last night I put a request on the village what’s app group
I didn’t need food or pet stuff or logs
I needed what all good homosexual middle aged men need when they are isolating with flatulent bulldogs
in a very small cottage
Yes,I put a request out for.......
Scented candles!!!!!
The great and the good of Trelawnyd (Nick&Linda, Bunty,Tracey Manchester, Heulwen,Mrs Trellis etc) jumped to the challenge and now I have a whole shopsworth of candles to play with over the next few days
“ The place will look like a friggin Church,” one wag told me when I showed him the collection and was suitable moved when I showed him the other kind donations ...namely homemade soup, sweets, biscuits, a jigsaw, baguettes and butter, flowers all left on the kitchen wall
I will leave you with wonderfully light will bring a smile to any face
She’s having a blast!
from Going Gently