Borborygmi is one of my favourite words
It’s a medical term for the gurgling noise bowels make when they are working normally.
It made a wonderful round in tv’s Call My Bluff when the effete Arthur Marshall and Frank Muir battled it’s true meaning out, but I learned it back in 1983 in my first year of nursing school.
It’s one of those words like follow you , just underneath the surface of memory
Like mendacity, autonomic dysreflexia, and El- ahrairah ( who was a rabbit God in Watership Down)
I informed my colleague that a patient of ours had no borborygmi
She wasn’t impressed …
I need some company with whom I can talk shite with. It’s a product of being on four nights shifts in a row and needing some frivolity.
I search messenger for signs of friends on line , but it’s 2 am and all is quiet as it is here. Everyone is safely asleep except me.
One of my patients reminds me of DaVinci ‘s Ginevra De Benci
No wonder she looked pissed off.
Tomorrow nights it’s Film Noir again. After that I’ve arranged a what’s app video meet with a friend
With the strict instructions we talk shite over a large gin
from Going Gently