And I learned the word for that awhile back .  It is "petrichor", the way the earth smells after it rains and another definition is:

  1. a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.

    "other than the petrichor emanating from the rapidly drying grass, there was not a trace of evidence that it had rained at all"

And another word I learned and like is "Pluviophile"....
Any organism that thrives in conditions of heavy rainfall. One who loves rain, a rain-lover.

 (Thanks to a friend named Rebecca I learned of these two words).  I updated an older sketch to show a gramma taking her granddaughter out after it rains and teaching her the meaning of the smells after the rain and repeating the words petrichor and pluviophile so baby will always remember them and not have to wait to learn them until she is a gramma.  I had no idea these two words existed.

I like these quotes about rain and really like Judy Blume's quote.

Here is my updated older sketch I did awhile back.  I cleaned it up somewhat and made gramma holding a little girl in a pink sweatshirt.  Gramma always takes baby out after every rain that falls.

In the southwest we need rain to put out all these fires (thank God there is none by me right now).  South, Central and Northern Cailfornia all have massive fires burning or have just been put out.

Let it rain and rain.  And of course if you are in the east or other areas where there is flooding the opposite sentiment would apply I imagine.  Let it dry out!

And my last image is a cute illustration of why there are no unicorns on the planet today except in our imagination, lol.  (not sure who to credit that cartoon to).