
I am about to say something highly controversial. In my ever so humble opinion, I think that when sitting in the Houses of Parliament in London, Members of Parliament should be following whatever debate is in progress. They should not be on their mobile phones checking stuff out, e-mailing,  booking holidays or even blogging

And they should certainly not be drooling over their favourite porn sites. Apart from anything else, The House of Commons is a workplace and in a workplace you are, surprisingly enough, meant to be working.

I sometimes tune into BBC Parliament on our television and on many occasions I have observed MP's using their smartphones right behind colleagues who are making points, asking questions or delivering speeches. Perhaps I have turned into an old fuddy duddy but I think this is outrageous.

The careless habit is surely sending out a message to schoolchildren and university students alike that when you are in a lesson or a lecture it's okay to use your mobile phone. After all, the people who are meant to be running this country do it all the time so it must be all right. Mustn't it?

Earlier today, news broke that an unnamed Conservative M.P. had been observed by women in his own political party looking at pornography on his phone while sitting in the chamber of The House of Commons. I agree entirely with Kirsty Blackman of the Scottish Nationalists who said very straightforwardly. "They have been elected to represent their constituents not to sit in that chamber and watch porn."

Some schools have sought to combat the scourge of mobile phones in classrooms by instructing children to leave their phones at home or at the school's main reception desk. I think it is a tactic that should apply to The House of Commons too. No phones in the chamber. After all, before mobile phones were invented, MP's conducted their Commons duties perfectly well without them.

Rant over.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/oJB9sp4

A Day In Two Halves

 It’s been a day of two halves . 
The dawn chorus 
Then The Play That Went Wrong at Theatr Clwyd.
Both enjoyable for completely different reasons .
I said to my sister Janet, on the way home tonight , that in this my 60th year 
I’m going to do all the things I’ve never done before as well as all of the things I like to do too

If that makes sense .

Still on my bucket list for this year

Go camping in a tent
Go to a European city  mini break with my old girlfriend Jane,
Driving through Ireland to Nu’s cottage,
A holiday break abroad totally alone,
Dance in public
Start my counselling course
Learn a totally new skill 
Walk up Snowdon 

I’ve booked five already…..
Hey ho

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/MlJ5DQT


 I went on a dawn walk this morning. 
A first for me.
I saw it advertised in Holywell when I popped into Tesco
“ Dawn Walk With A Twitcher - birdsong explained”
The meeting place was in Caerwys before 5 am 
I was the last to arrive.
There was ten of us, all told, led by a quietly spoken man in his sixties called Eifion.
We were led down a bridle path by torch light and from time we’d stop to have a brief lecture 
It was an interesting and somewhat cold early morning
But an invigorating one
The robins and blackbirds and the more rare thrush, were the first on the performance with other birds such as wrens, wood pigeons  and warblers joining in.
The likes of the tits and the finches usually only start to sing when dawn has broken.
Apparently it is usually the male birds that call and at times the sound was amazingly loud

One woman in the group had a good cry at the experience and kept apologising for it.
I liked the feeling of being anonymous in the pre dawn gloom
And felt a little exposed when the day finally  lifted the dark to a translucent blue.

I’m off to meet a friend for lunch shortly.
They are going into hospital soon and are in need of a bit of calm
It’s sunny but still cool and I can see Islwyn pottering around the pony field fixing the gates
He’s like me. 
He likes to be needed.

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/HU8Azk7