A Constant

Sheffield triplets mike Jane and me 

Jane is a constant in my life
A former girlfriend from our joint salad days of 30 years ago
She had stood by my coming out with typical Yorkshire alacrity  and with true Sheffield pragmatism
She became one of my best friends of thirty years

I love her dearly

Now Lockdown has given us a what's app forum for conversation and We talk every week on line and laugh like children when we do so

She is as necessary to me as breathing x

What Ive Got

It's almost the end of my holiday.
And all but one job on my now slightly dog eared to do list have now been ticked off.

But I still have a few wants, a few objectives to complete once I save up enough money.
I have a dreadfully old fashioned bathroom which needs completely overhauling
The bed mattress still doesn't quite fit my bed frame and the carpet in the spare room is a total disgrace
The living room Carpet too is in need of a change and my bedroom needs an upgrade........

I want
I need
I haven't got

But let's get things in perspective
Let's look what I have got

I have this!!!!!