Do you have a house that you often drive by and sometimes depending on the season and the lighting you drive by it on purpose just to look at it.  About two blocks over and a bit closer to the lake this house is very ordinary but in fall it is amazing.

 The trees we have in the mountains are maples, sweet gums, aspens, dogwoods, birches and others that turn so beautiful in fall.   This particular house when with the right time of year and backlit yard is beautiful and I often drive by it and photograph it because of the fall trees.    The last time I drove by it was kind of looking lonely like someone had moved out and no one had moved in. 

I chose to portray it as bright and happy. 

The man who lived here we found out, was a guy we would see walking every day at the lake with "Cody" his old dog who would walk out into the water and just sit there to cool off.  We saw him for about two years and then we quit seeing him at the lake.  We had no idea he lived in this house until we drove by one day and saw him outside washing his truck. 

I assume he has moved on and the house is waiting for its' next occupants. 

I didn't think I would get this posted today because we lost power about an hour ago which means lost internet and I figured I would miss a day of posting if the electricity didn't come back on.  We ate by candlelight and right at the end of the meal the lights came back on.  A tree fell on a power pole which also happened two days ago somewhere else in the town.