I guess it is part of being human - to weigh things up, to make our own judgements. However, some people take this too far. They sit all high and mighty making judgements about others and what they say or do often without actually putting themselves out there. They seem to think that they have full licence to do this. In fact it is their "go to" position.
Take blogging for example. The comments one receives may be supportive, funny or just engaged but some respondents habitually put on their proverbial wigs to pass judgement. Making judgement calls is fine when you have "money in the bank"- a reservoir of goodwill accumulated over time but when every comment you have ever made is laced with judgmentalism then you become a pain in the arse. Perhaps you would be best to keep your judgements to yourself.
A few years ago, one of my commenters shocked me. Not only was she leaving judgemental comments every time she came here, she was also visiting other blogs to assess my comments from elsewhere - weighing them up and trying to identify contradictions or inconsistencies. Quite flabbergasting really.
Currently I still have "comment moderation" switched on. I don't really like it but at least it allows me to weed out comments by two currently active Judge Judies and one Judge Rinder. They have a long history of making niggling, undermining or plain nasty remarks and I just don't want that stuff in my life or on this blog which has become an extension of my life.
Whenever their names appear in the Yorkshire Pudding comments section pre-moderation, I simply delete what they have said without ever reading it. Click and it has gone. It feels kind of nice to do that. A bit like deleting spam.
from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/3hVBiRd