
Well, for your amusement, I thought that I would just put up some Christmas memes or cartoons - following the example of Bruce at Oddball Observations. I have looked at a hundred or more with the kind assistance of Google but mostly they were very unfunny. These were two of the best I found. At least they raised chortles:-
But not brilliant were they and so instead I have resorted to bloglifting with these two, copied directly from Bruce's blog:- 

from Yorkshire Pudding


 Thank you for all your well wishes.  I appreciate it. With disability, you are never cured, just managed. And I’m grateful for that blessing. In the past I would not, but acceptance teaches you something. Something that you didn’t want to be taught. So, I rest with the knowledge, of what a privilege that is. I will say it again. Health is the wealth we seek. Without it, I don’t want to imagine. 

Love yourself and one another

from R's rue