

Facebook reminded me of this moment yesterday 
My ex and I were on the way to New York five years ago
I was driving him batty playing games with my earphones on the train to the airport 
I was so excited!!!and so happy
It’s the first time I can look at such a photograph 
And not be hurt by it

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/gqnapew


In the past I have drawn Johnson, May and Truss - posting their pictures on this very blog. Now it's Richie Sumac's turn:-

I changed his first name from Rishi to Richie simply because he is very rich. He doesn't need to think about rising energy costs, his supermarket bills or the cost of a family holiday. But how did Richie become so rich? Certainly not through physical labour or a 9 to 5 job. This is what "The Week" had to say in January of this year:-

Sunak became a “multimillionaire in his mid-twenties”, according to The Sunday Times. He was a partner at the hedge fund TCI, where bosses “shared nearly £100m after an audacious stock market bet that lit the touchpaper on the 2008 financial crisis”.

As a young man he operated in the financial world like a successful gambler in a casino, placing his bets wisely and then he married Ashakta Murthy who just happened to be the daughter of  billionaire Indian businessman Naryana Murthy.

Richie  registered "a blind trust" in July 2019 after being appointed chief secretary to the Treasury by then chancellor Sajid Javid, and it is believed to contain a multi-million pound fortune. Blind trusts allow people to make interest from their investments, without knowing where the money is actually invested. This is supposed to remove any conflicts of interest.

As PM Sumac has already made a few mistakes but I will give him this - he seems a lot more prime-ministerial than either of his predecessors.  At least he does his homework  and his ego does not appear to be the size of an over-inflated hot air balloon. Perhaps that is partly down to his Hindu heritage.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/iQV2Bg3


 A nice jog


The breeze

Knowing November 

Is here

To greet me

from R's rue https://ift.tt/uf4UN6I



Grinder is an app that tells you how close another gay man is to you. If you travel somewhere new, it is likely that you get a few “ likes” from men who are attracted to your photo, or what you say on it.
In my experience not many will read your profile.
I was sat in the Storyhouse yesterday when when my phone pinged several times.
Peter was in his 50’s married and “ a practicing bisexual for the last 20 years” 
My question of “ Haven’t you got the hang of things yet? ” fell on stoney ground. 
A faceless 18 year old wanted “ a daddy and sex”  even though my profile clearly said friends only and Phil from Chester Central told me he liked my photo and did I have any M O R E  ( body) pics?
I sent him one of Canterbury Cathedral 
He didn’t reply

A pleasant looking chap of similar age called Cynical Sam wanted to know what I was doing , and we embarked on a normal conversation about the Storyhouse and art house films . 
I’d written a short pithy paragraph about the Korean film The Host when he removed his profile and page, effectively blocking any further conversation 
another success john, I thought.
And there they all were on an app page , the faceless, the confused, the predatory, the lonely and the lost.
Cynical Sam was perhaps overly cynical in his quest for looking for a “ normal SINGLE and SORTED bloke sort…..I thought my précis on The Host was informative and funny…..
You can’t please everyone I guess.

I looked through the app page again, lots of men without shirts looking for sex. Lots of blank profiles looking at men without shirts who are looking for sex. 
A few men looking for Mr Right ,but who will happily end up with a few Mr bj in a lay-by by the Grovensor Garden centre.
Most normal looking ones proclaiming their wonderful Open Relationship status.

I chatted to a polite Polish guy who seemed nice enough. 
He liked fat guys with nice smiles
I told him he needed to practice his English.

I ordered another coffee and texted a friend who gossiped about this and that and the other.
Nu messaged me too and I told her what film I was going to watch.
She said it had great reviews 😊

The coffee came and I opened my phone again
Another “ like” this time from “Hung in Saltney🌈”

What am I doing ? I said to myself 
And I deleted the app on my phone for good before sipping my coffee

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/VpNl9sb