
With a heavy heart, I think about what is happening in Ukraine almost all the time. It's as much as I can do to force myself not to blog about it daily. For this blopost, I am taking a leaf out of Bob's book. Bob is the keeper of "I Should Be Laughing" out of Camden, South Carolina. Every week he posts an assemblage of recent political cartoons so I am just following suit tonight as Putin continues with his campaign of wickedness, butchery and deceit. He is surely the antithesis of Mr Pastry:-

from Yorkshire Pudding

Are There Your Underpants?

Covid numbers within the choir seems worryingly high and with only ten able to meet tonight ,  choir practice has been cancelled. 
I’m pondering my day, sat at the kitchen table.
This afternoon I’m at film studies, picking On The Waterfront to pieces 
The rest of the day is free.

The cottage smells of peas.
The slow cooker has been warming pea soup all night. I’ve made sourdough bread and have just bought a Kilner butter maker on line which means the guilty pleasure of homemade salted herb butter…..

Are these your underpants ?”
That was Heulwen calling over the kitchen wall.
It’s breezy and a pair had caught the wind and had left the box hedge where it had been drying 
They lay in the lane, flattened by a tractor wheel

She’s sad that choir has been cancelled tonight too.
We chatted for a long time.
It’s sunny but a little too cold in the shade.

from Going Gently



The battlefield 

That requires 

Multiple sets 

Of batteries

Amp up courage 

Dial up patience

Success is 

A slog

That demands

Everything you have

Even on

Off days

from R's rue