
 Some days you act. Some days you stay still. Some days you just dance. Some days you stuck. It all has a season. A reason for the feeling. Some days you lose. The losses sting. Then God makes an appearance through a friend, and the loss has a purpose. Community and commiserating feels like a win. When you realize you’re not alone in the thoughts that rattle the brain at three AM. 

You count sheep. Praying for sleep to come as the eyes close. I’m taken back to the here and now as said friend sends a message reminding me of the rare gem I am. It’s what I needed to hear. Lift people up. The ones with the perfect life struggle too. We just mask our pain and plaster smiles on our faces. Nothing like some sunscreen, rich cream and some rouge to perpetuate the ruse. 

The truth is I want the truth. I don’t need my bottom kissed. I need a love that isn’t a bargaining chip for what can be given to you. The truth is setting the captive free.  The captive is me. 

Love yourself and one another. 


from R's rue