

Phoebe will be three years old in the morning. She was born on January 15th 2021 in the time of covid, a hundred years after my mother who of course never got to see her delightful great grand-daughter.

Today (Sunday) Phoebe had her birthday party in the local church hall. The same hall where her mother was once a brownie scout. There was a bouncy castle and a ballpit and food and drink for both small children and their accompanying adults.

How lovely it all was and Phoebe received many gifts and cards. She was dressed as Belle from "Beauty and The Beast" with her long yellow dress, tiara and yellow gloves. She had fun.

The picture above was taken last week when Phoebe helped her grandma with some baking. We both love that little girl entirely and completely which probably means the same thing.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 I know my purpose

I just didn’t like it

But I understand it

And that’s okay

For today

from R's rue