I’ll Leave The Landing Light On…..

Someone I know, has had cancer recently diagnosed.
A mutual friend told me. 
It wasn’t a secret. 
I messaged them and simply said I had met my friend, nothing more
and the link was made
The ball was in their court and we messaged briefly about it
“ I’m here” I said
I know you are” came the reply. 

Sometimes too many words can be said at times like these. 
A Card, a cooked meal, the offer of a silent walk, a theatre ticket 
Can support someone who is hurting just as well.
The offer of taking Mary for a cuddle 
A book of poems with a bright orange cover, 
A crisp 10 dollar bill with the  instructions of buying an ice cream.

I remember bedtime as a seven year old 
Who was always frightened of the dark. 
A simple action,
A single promise always made things better

I’ll leave the landing light on “ 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/bPyL0r1


Okay so let's be clear about this. In any war it takes guts to be a conscientious objector. This was as true of The Vietnam War as any other.

Yesterday as I wrote about Trump's draft dodging I was not implying by any means that when a young man is called up he should go blindly to war, doing what his country asks and not what his conscience says. No that wasn't it at all.

But if the young man in question is part of the establishment and has distant eyes upon the presidency, then he needs to be respectful of the status quo. At the very least he should be open and honest about his reasons for avoiding the draft. Not lying. Not making stuff up. There were no bone spurs and there is no evidence that Trump wished to dodge service in Vietnam because his conscience was troubled.

Many who received draft papers fled to Canada. Others signed up for The National Guard or alternative military organisations that would exempt them from service in Vietnam. Plenty of others - just like Trump - feigned mental or physical conditions that would get them off the hook. This seems to have been more common within affluent families where there was financial and legal weight. Far less straightforward and achievable for young men from poorer backgrounds.

By the way, it wasn't just Trump. Three other presidents  managed to evade service in Vietnam and some unanswered questions remain for George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden.

Early in his presidency, Trump's alleged philosophy was clear, "America First! America First!" but he wasn't saying anything like that in 1968.

When I was first intoxicated by popular and progressive music, the period coincided with The Vietnam War and the protest songs it spawned. To accompany this blogpost I have chosen two of the songs that grabbed me back then and still have a certain resonance even though the disastrous war reached its ragged end almost half a century ago: "Moratorium (Bring Our Brothers Home)" by Buffy Sainte-Marie  and "To Susan on the West Coast Waiting" by Donovan.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/E0UqVlz


 Summer sun

A warm buttery biscuit

That awakens 

All the senses

from R's rue https://ift.tt/Kv0QbeN

Hot Afternoon

 Yesterday I met some friends from the village to discuss planning an open day for the new pond. It was a case of mixing work with pleasure as the meeting took place in a dappled green garden under the trees, with wine glasses and beers in our hands.

It’s felt that my holiday has just been extended by several days .
I’ve agreed to help manage the Flower Show again and next year it ( as well as the novelty vegetable photograph competition so enjoyed by blog readers ) shall return. 
It felt the right thing to do.
Last night I caught up with my family again for a Spanish supper in my sister in law’s garden. 
It was her first dinner party post lockdown, another milestone for her, and a pleasure for us as she cooks very well. 
So today is a non day as I’m working a single shift tonight.

It’s far too hot to walk the dogs more than 100 yards which makes Dorothy listless and sulking.
I’ve already sat her under a cold shower earlier and now she smells of body shop pink Grapefruit soap but is still unhappy at not being able travel in the car.
I gave her the meat from a left over lamb chop in an effort to buck her up but that failed miserably 
Roger arrives on Monday
I wonder what that little bombshell will have on the bulldog diva.

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/CD2FKkE