Hot Afternoon

 Yesterday I met some friends from the village to discuss planning an open day for the new pond. It was a case of mixing work with pleasure as the meeting took place in a dappled green garden under the trees, with wine glasses and beers in our hands.

It’s felt that my holiday has just been extended by several days .
I’ve agreed to help manage the Flower Show again and next year it ( as well as the novelty vegetable photograph competition so enjoyed by blog readers ) shall return. 
It felt the right thing to do.
Last night I caught up with my family again for a Spanish supper in my sister in law’s garden. 
It was her first dinner party post lockdown, another milestone for her, and a pleasure for us as she cooks very well. 
So today is a non day as I’m working a single shift tonight.

It’s far too hot to walk the dogs more than 100 yards which makes Dorothy listless and sulking.
I’ve already sat her under a cold shower earlier and now she smells of body shop pink Grapefruit soap but is still unhappy at not being able travel in the car.
I gave her the meat from a left over lamb chop in an effort to buck her up but that failed miserably 
Roger arrives on Monday
I wonder what that little bombshell will have on the bulldog diva.

from Going Gently

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