
All Saints Church, Belton

Clint and I were in Belton, North Lincolnshire today. I parked safely by All Saints Church and set off on an eight mile circular walk that I had worked out on Wednesday night. 

It was a lovely day for mid-November. Plenty of good light for photography. I didn't even need to wear a coat - the temperature was so balmy and there was hardly a breath of wind. 

East of Belton an obelisk was marked on the Ordnance Survey map. It was half-hidden by spindly trees. I ventured into the little wood to investigate. Though there are no inscriptions on the stonework, I later discovered that the thirty foot tower was constructed under the instructions of a Mr William Johnson in 1787.

Apparently it was built as a memorial to Johnson's favourite horse - Sir Solomon that had been euthanised following a serious hunting accident. Weirdly, it is said that Johnson shot his two favourite hounds so that they could be buried with the horse.

The Johnsons lived in a grand house called Temple Belwood that is no more. I understand that it was finally demolished when the M180 motorway was constructed in the nineteen seventies. That house took many historical secrets with it though it had been crumbling away when it received its final  coup de grâce.

Anyway, to give you a flavour of my walk I am posting five photos and the last one is of the obelisk in the woods. I wonder if Mr Johnson was as generous to his tenant farmers as he was to himself when bewailing Sir Solomon's death. Doubt it somehow.

Disused railway viaduct over South Engine Drain

Under the M180 Motorway

Doorway in  Westgate
The Obelisk

from Yorkshire Pudding



on the treadmill

Brings me back

to riding up 

the top floor

To work out

and look out

at the ocean

At the same time

The things

I despised the most

Are now what 

I treasure

Never take

Ocean views

for granted

And the 

people who 

made them worthwhile

I miss

the scent

of saltwater

and sunscreen



to you

by the makers

of Coppertone

from R's rue

Blog Friends The Weaver Of Grass

 Yesterday’s comments were much appreciated and timely and showed much good humour and bon viveur in blogland.
That’s how it should be. 
Not leaving snide comments on others’ blogs
It’s seldom you have to click on the “ load more” box to read them all and I’m grateful for such interest as I am for the score of emails , suggesting ideas and giving advice from people that know better.

My thoughts today are with The Weaver Of Grass who we have not heard from since she had a fall at home a broke her hip a while ago now. The jungle telegraph has worked its work and all we blogging friends know is that Pat was taken to hospital . 
The comment box has been disabled and many of us, who consider her as a dear friend of over a decade , are concerned, and are waiting to hear that she is ok.

That’s why blogging can be so sweet. 
Friendships are made despite the trolls and the unhinged 
And Pat is a dear dear friend to many of us

Let’s wish her well.

from Going Gently




The fire resides

it mustn't be


by doubt


and the indifference


that soul

of yours

that says

Your efforts

are meaningless

suffering from

imposter syndrome

right now

my destiny

is held

by the 

One and Only

Not you Satan


my title

As a worthy

And loved


of the King

from R's rue


 i write daily

with doubt


and every emotion

i know 

write for yourself

but what if 

I want the words

i type

to mean something


make smiles


or a light bulb

go off

I'm human

needing affirmation 

that this 


has purpose

and deep resonance

from R's rue