Blog Friends The Weaver Of Grass

 Yesterday’s comments were much appreciated and timely and showed much good humour and bon viveur in blogland.
That’s how it should be. 
Not leaving snide comments on others’ blogs
It’s seldom you have to click on the “ load more” box to read them all and I’m grateful for such interest as I am for the score of emails , suggesting ideas and giving advice from people that know better.

My thoughts today are with The Weaver Of Grass who we have not heard from since she had a fall at home a broke her hip a while ago now. The jungle telegraph has worked its work and all we blogging friends know is that Pat was taken to hospital . 
The comment box has been disabled and many of us, who consider her as a dear friend of over a decade , are concerned, and are waiting to hear that she is ok.

That’s why blogging can be so sweet. 
Friendships are made despite the trolls and the unhinged 
And Pat is a dear dear friend to many of us

Let’s wish her well.

from Going Gently

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