

The rain

And smiling

from R's rue


Phoebe in bed with Dandy

I wrote my ode to Tetley's bitter after supping four pints of the stuff on Tuesday night. Because of the pandemic, pub closures, production issues etcetera I realised that I had not had a pint of the nectar in over a year. You see not all Yorkshire pubs serve Tetley's. On Tuesday night it was like reuniting with a lost friend. 

On Sunday my faithful "Bosch" lawnmower started to whine and the electric motor conked out. I had used that machine for the past fifteen years. It cut a lot of grass - mounds of the stuff. When I checked out possible repair costs, I realised they were prohibitive. It would be more economical to purchase a new mower so I toddled along to B&Q and bought this for £185:- 

I know that some of this blog's visitors are keen lawnmower spotters so you will already know that this is a Rotak Universal 650 Corded Rotary Lawnmower by Bosch. I sincerely hope that it gives me the same length of good service as the previous machine provided.

Yesterday was quite a productive day. Out at the back I cut the main lawn. I took the excess plastic recycling to the bins in Tesco's car park at Millhouses. I visited Lidl to spend £75 on groceries. I cut the hedge at the front of the house and chopped up the base of an old single bed. The mattress - which had hardly been slept on - was picked up by The British Heart Foundation to sell in their city centre furniture shop. I made our evening meal - a sausage casserole with mashed potato and green beans. and of course I wrote "Pint O'Tetley's Please" - inspired by Tuesday's pub visit.

The sky is quite overcast as I write so I am glad that I had already decided to take another long walk tomorrow and not today. Besides, Frances and Stewart will be over for tea (Posh people: dinner) this evening. Of course they will be bringing our darling granddaughter who remains a perfect baby, developing nicely all the time.

Fed only on mother's milk, she has become chubby. She can roll over when she is in the mood and when I growl and bark at her she puts her arm out so that I can nibble it. Again - when in the mood - she giggles and she still likes to hear my songs - sometimes falling asleep in my arms. She goes to a baby swimming session once a week, wearing a special swimsuit that prevents leakage. 

Though they are not babies, there are several blog visitors who could do with one of those!

Three more recent pictures of Princess Phoebe from her mother's smartphone:-

from Yorkshire Pudding