We are almost out of it !
The pandemic I mean.
Ok I can’t book any Airbnb’s in Rome in the middle of the night because the owners have to physically assess you covid wise and The Archers still hasn’t returned to it’s Friday night spot, but things have almost gotten back to normal.
How quickly have we forgotten the lockdown eh ? Quite quickly is my response , but having said that I’ve noticed that many of us are now wanting happy endings in our films and tv and social media….just look at the burst of popularity of the sweet Heartstopper and the fact ( note spoiler) that Miss Baxter and Mr Mosley finally get it together in Downton.
They say air travel will be more difficult given the numbers flying versus the airport staff in place. For me this is yet to be seen.
I’ve booked a ferry over to Ireland in Bluebell later in the year and will meet up for a family party at Nu’s cottage in the far west of Ireland . This seemed simple enough to book and cheaper than I expected.
I’ve got an apartment of my own in a farmhouse in Kenmare .
Theresa, the farmer’s wife has already told me that she’ll have some homemade scones ready for me on my arrival.
There was no talk of swabs or covid passports .
Again, it will be seen if things are as straightforward as I hope.
I’ve bought a sat nav too…..one who copes with Irish roads.
Like I said, for some the pandemic will be forgotten quickly.
For me…less so.
Now, I think, I’m taking from it a more proactive stance on things because of covid
I am grateful for the lessons it’s taught me.
It was a lonely and sad time to have been living in a single person household and I don’t want to venture back there again.
And so I’ve stopped saying no to things, when no was the easy go to.
I’m pushing myself out of my comfort zone with travel and events and with people and new experiences.
It’s a work in progress…like we all are.
But thank you covid
You’ve taught me a lesson
Now BBC Please bring back The Archers on a Friday.
from Going Gently https://ift.tt/BDarszv