The paint party was put on at my granddaughter's school.  Holly is in 7th grade now. 

 I didn't do too well towards the end of the painting when adding the branches because I couldn't make  thin enough lines for the branches.  It wasn't until I got home and was able to put it into photoshop that I could fix it.

I did however, get a photo of all three of our paintings.  It was a great night and I loved the experience - 3 generations painting together.

I came out the next morning and found my daughter in law had put them on the fireplace.  I felt so good sharing that evening with them.

They had a good turnout with about 50 plus people there painting the same scene.  I didn't take my camera and I wish I had because there were some really amazing paintings.  I left my camera at home and yet, everyone there had a cell phone and was walking around taking photos of everybody's art.  That will never happen again (leaving my camera at home). lol

When I got home I was able to take my photograph of my painting into Corel and smudge out stuff and re do the branches of the tree.