Scratching an Itch

I had haggis for yesterday’s tea. 
Haggis and fried eggs
Bloody lovely. 
Sainsbury’s had haggis on special offer 
Like you do.

I have lots to say today but can’t quite express myself coherently 
Do you ever get like this?
My head is filled with thoughts of travel, and change and movement and I feel unsettled 
But before anyone commiserates, I don’t feel bad , just a bit restless.
That feeling you used to get the night before school. Or the day before an interview , or a holiday .
Waiting for something to happen

Later this week I’m off to comic com with Leo. It’s a weekend which will be filled with extremes , his superhero's and my My Fair Lady . 
This will scratch some of the itch, I suspect 
I’ve ordered my walking Dead t shirt for the day, knowing I can’t overshadow his superhero outfit.
We’ve organised for sushi too in between geeks and has-beens.

I’ve been talking about going to Berlin with a friend and am suddenly sick of the fantasy of the proposal 

Time for action dearhearts 
It’s now a time for action with many things 

from Going Gently


Almost every week of the year I take photographs. Usually, I take them on my regular country walks. After editing, I submit many of these images to the Geograph project which I have regularly contributed to through the last thirteen years.

However, there are rare weeks when photo expeditions just don't happen for one reason or another and that's where last week seemed to be heading. Zero! Zilch!

But then Friday night came along and before I headed out to the Lidl store on Chesterfield Road to do some shopping, I remembered that I had been meaning to take a few pictures of the Labour Party's constituency office for Sheffield Heeley. The current MP for that section of the city is Louise Haigh - presently the country's Shadow Minister for Transport at the tender age of thirty four (see right).

That office is just across the road from Lidl and what had frequently caught my eye was the slightly surreal painted images of this city revealed in the windows. They are all by a local artist called Bryan John.

Consequently, I took my camera this time but the evening light was sub-optimal. As well as snapping photos of Louise Haigh's offices, I collected images of two businesses further along the street. The Tramshed" is a  popular micropub and   "Baked and Caked"  is a specialist bakery business.

Anyway, that's all I have for you on the night of American Independence Day. I know it's not the most scintillating blogpost I have ever released and for this I apologise. I must try harder...I must try harder... I must try harder.

from Yorkshire Pudding


 In my deep exhales, as I erase the fears creeping up, I remember the promise. The promise that says every day I am here. I don’t make myself known. I’m in the shadows. I’m watching and waiting to see when and where I fit. I fill your cup as needed. I’m on the unsteady, choppy waters.  I’m in the waiting room. I’m in the food you eat, the water you drink. I’m in the trips you take and the decisions you make. 

In the world

I May be dismayed

But with You

At the helm

I’m restored

For with faith

Earth bows

Down to its Maker

from R's rue

Happy 4th

 Enjoy the day

In such a way

That a smile

Is a mile wide

And joy radiates

Upward and forevermore

from R's rue