
Why did the dyslexic Yorkshireman get funny looks?
Because he was walking around wearing a cat flap.

A Yorkshireman walks into a vet's office and says "Ay up, can tha tek a look at our cat? It's not bin its sen lately."
"Sure.'" says the vet. "'First things first, is it a tom?"
"Nah" he replies "I've got it 'ere wi me."

A Texan ranch owner was on holiday in Yorkshire. He visited a local pub in a sheep farming area of the county. He struck up a conversation with a sheep farmer in the pub. After a bit of chit chat, the Texan asked the Yorkshireman a question. The conversation went thus:
Texan - “So, how long does it take you to go from one end of your farm to the other?”
Yorkshireman – “About three hours to walk from one end to the other.”
Texan – “If I get in my car to drive from one end of my ranch to the other, it’ll take me a day.”
Yorkshireman -  (after some pause for thought) – “Aye, I used to have a car like that.”

A man was spotted at a farmers market in a coastal town in Yorkshire, kissing a girl who was not his wife.
Turns out he was having a Scarborough affair.

Wrigleys have launched a new website where you can order chewing gum online. It's called!

A farmer in Yorkshire see's a bloke drinking from his stream & shouts,"Ey up cock! Tha dun wanna be drinkin watta from theer, it's full o hoss piss an cow shite".
The bloke says "I'm from London can you speak bit slower please".
The farmer replies, "If - you -use - two - hands - you - won't - spill - any!"

from Yorkshire Pudding


 Any Sunday plans?

from R's rue

Chasing Bees


It’s been an ordinary day here in Trelawnyd so far.
No big shakes.
No excitement .
I’ve planned not to be too far from a loo today, so after a walk this morning.
I’ve been reading People Person by Candice Carty-Williams on the trendy blue sofa, which catches the morning sun and acts as a border to the windowsill plants clustered with their leaves and stems in the warm light.

Sundays are often like this now.
Sun filled.

The dogs are in the kitchen where they have access to the garden. 
Roger is not housetrained and only after outdoor wees is allowed into the rest of the cottage
I can hear him galloping around the kitchen table before bouncing onto the patio and up the garden path.
He’s been busy at this for a while now.

Intrigued, I put my book down and walk through the cottage. Mary and Dorothy are asleep in the reading chair. Albert is on the window sill looking out into the garden.

And Roger? 
Well Roger is gleefully bouncing up and down the path 

Chasing Bees away from the flower tops 

from Going Gently