
Months and years roll by and our world seems increasingly troubled. However, one thing remains solid and enduring like a well-built lighthouse upon some rocky islet on the edge of The Atlantic Ocean. We are talking about The Laughing Horse Blogging Awards.

I am sure that bloggers and blog visitors from across the planet are now counting down the days until 2023 ends with the announcement of the annual Laughing Horse Awards sponsored this year by Sir Richard Branson who of course leads the Virgin organisation - including Virgin Airlines.

Possibly because of staring at screens for hours on end, many blog enthusiasts suffer from memory loss and for that reason the organising committee have instructed me to remind everybody about past winners of the coveted main "Blogger of the Year" award.

Here's the list...

The Roll of Honour...

2008 – Arthur Clewley for “Arthur Clewley”

2009 – Daphne Franks for “My Dad’s a Communist”

2010 – John Gray for “Going Gently”

2011 – Ian Rhodes for “Shooting Parrots”

2012 – Kate Steeds for "The Last Visible Dog"

2013 – Tom Gowans for “A Hippo on the Lawn”

2014 – Meike Riley for “From My Mental Library”

2015 – Lee George for “Kitchen Connection”

2016 – Steve Reed for “Shadows and Light”

2017 - Keith Kline for "Hiawatha House"

2018 - Mary Moon for "Bless Our Hearts"

2019 - Jenny O'Hara for "Procrastinating Donkey"

2020 - Cro Magnon for "Magnon's Meanderings"

2021 - Andrew de Melbourne for "High Riser" (Now "From The High Rise")

2022 -  Bob Slatten for "I Should Be Laughing"

Very soon, another blogger will join this illustrious list as Mr Slatten relinquishes his crown. 2024 will then roll on by like a Japanese bullet train . The war in Ukraine will cease just as the annihilation of Gaza comes to a sublime halt and the climate change tragedy will be turned around like an ocean liner heading home. Well, we can still dream can't we?  

from Yorkshire Pudding