
Monday's promising weather forecast did not start to come true until about two in the afternoon. I had been looking forward to a long walk but in the event all I got was an hour in The Hope Valley between Hope and Castleton. Above - Hope Cement Works illuminated effectively by the sinking sun and below a tree that caught my eye by a sheep farm track.
When I pulled the curtains back this morning (Tuesday), our garden was frosty below a cobalt blue sky and laser yellow sunlight. It was just after eleven when I headed out in my trusty South Korean chariot, aiming eventually for the village of Scrooby which has long been associated with The Pilgrim Fathers and "The Mayflower" that famously set out from Plymouth, Devon for Massachusetts in the late summer of 1620. There were "Geograph" squares I still needed to bag in that vicinity - including this one:-
Near Scrooby, by a bridge that crosses The River Ryton, I came aross this memorial stone dedicated to two young women - Emily Haith and Lizzie Ternent from nearby Retford. On the night of January 16th 2010, their car came off the road and ended up in the river below. The circumstances will forever remain mysterious. It was not icy and neither of them had consumed any alcohol. At that point, the well-maintained A road  is as straight as a die.
Scrooby's only remaining pub is called "The Pilgrim Fathers" in recognition of the village's historical links with the episode I referred to in the opening paragraph. However, at the end of the nineteenth century the same pub was called "The Saracen's Head".
Close to the pub is this signpost which tells us correctly that the distance to Boston (Lincolnshire) is fifty miles but the distance to Boston, Massachusetts is 3200 miles. By the way, I  am sure they got the wrong mileage for Plymouth, Massachusetts! How could they do that? Didn't anybody check?
It was a nice day out and Clint and I were back home for three thirty. I had successfully  bagged all the squares I needed. Being a simple minded kind of fellow, I rather like days like this.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/7nFlGyc



I was snowed in again this morning
This happens because of the topography of the lane rather than the amount of snow falling. 
From my cottage the lane snakes upward into the village at quite an angle .
When snow falls and gets iced, the cars just cannot get past the church. 
My sister and brother in law dressed in matching emergency yellow and black ski tops came to the rescue with a food pack and Sailor John from next door dropped off some logs .
Mrs Trellis tied a plastic carrier bag on the gate with two Mars bars inside wrapped in Christmas napkins 
Ive been looked after.
Which is very nice.

Tonight as usual I’m crammed on the trendy blue couch 
Roger is snoring gently on my shoulder,Mary & Dorothy and Albert scattered liked curled fur cushions crammed in the gaps .
Albert’s broken leg stuck up in the air 
I’ve been rather moved by coverage of the funeral of King Constantine of Greece 

And the fire is roaring 
I may be single , but I don’t feel alone tonight

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/08Vqbc7

About me

Some things about me
I love a good romance novel
I love candy
My favorite fruit is a peach
My favorite vegetable is spinach
I love a cozy blanket
My favorite language is Spanish or French
I collect lip balm

from R's rue https://ift.tt/o06mUJp

Beautiful Morning


from Going Gently https://ift.tt/y6GL9I0