

I was snowed in again this morning
This happens because of the topography of the lane rather than the amount of snow falling. 
From my cottage the lane snakes upward into the village at quite an angle .
When snow falls and gets iced, the cars just cannot get past the church. 
My sister and brother in law dressed in matching emergency yellow and black ski tops came to the rescue with a food pack and Sailor John from next door dropped off some logs .
Mrs Trellis tied a plastic carrier bag on the gate with two Mars bars inside wrapped in Christmas napkins 
Ive been looked after.
Which is very nice.

Tonight as usual I’m crammed on the trendy blue couch 
Roger is snoring gently on my shoulder,Mary & Dorothy and Albert scattered liked curled fur cushions crammed in the gaps .
Albert’s broken leg stuck up in the air 
I’ve been rather moved by coverage of the funeral of King Constantine of Greece 

And the fire is roaring 
I may be single , but I don’t feel alone tonight

from Going Gently

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