

Had my first lecture from the The City Literary Institute tonight on The Master of Suspense:Alfred  Hitchcock’s Spy Thrillers. It’s an eight week course which, from my first experience , seemed very interesting and stimulating 
It’s nice learning stuff just for my interest only and not something confined to work it’s a bit like pampering yourself with a long bubble bath and a facial 

It’s the BIG GAY QUIZ tomorrow night 

At this rate I’m going to be all zoomed out! 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3jgRAm2



And cuddle 


My bones

And put

A smile 

On my face

from R's rue https://ift.tt/3rmTGUp

Sunset Phonecall

Was it five years ago? 
I think it was. 
Sunset on a summers’ night and a phone call from a stranger.
He was sat in a car, near a beach and it was clear he had been crying.
I could tell he was young, perhaps thirty.
He had a clear English accent almost devoid of local lilt or twang.
He told me he was a teacher but refused to give me his name.

I worked so hard on that phone call. 
I kept him engaged and I listened. 
And he talked so sadly about how he felt and how much he wanted to die.
His class had scored poor marks in their A levels and he felt a failure.
He had felt a failure all of his life.

For an hour he talked and he even laughed when I asked him to share with me what music he had listened to in the car. 
He didn’t know that I was sensing I was losing him and that I was playing every trick in the book to keep him talking.
I heard him open the blister pack of tablets and he admitted he was piling them on the passenger seat

My colleague mouthed are you ok from her booth and I shook my head. She came over to listen on the spare headset and jotted down ideas to help.
They helped, the man talked a little more.

We talked about the nice things in his life, his friends, his family but he grew sad when the sunset finished and he told me it was almost dark.
I asked if we could call him at another time , to support him, to listen, but he refused politely

I listened as he took a few of the pills.
And he cried a bit more 
Before gently ending the call with a click.

My colleague blocked all further calls and brought me a coffee and a hankie and 
I ate some chocolate digestives and I cried a little

Cried in frustration and for the futility and waste of it all.

I will always remember that call

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/2NX0JVg



Here's a story for a new born baby...

✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤

Once upon a time and far from here there was  a land of milk.

The rain that fell upon The Milky Mountains was not of water, but of nice warm milk.. The milk flowed into milky streams that gurgled white and frothy down to milk-white rivers beside which milking cows grazed in lovely meadows, their udders filled to bursting with creamy milk.

In the village of  Milkchester, the dairy farmers Mr and Mrs Milko delivered fresh milk to the village school every day. There the children blew bubbles into their little bottles of milk before singing to their benign  god - "The Milky Bar Kid":

The Milky Bar Kid is strong and tough,
Only the best is good enough,
Creamy milk a whiter bar,
The good taste that's in Milky Bar,
Milky Bar so creamy white,
Nestles'  Milky Bar!

How lovely it was to live in such a happy, milky land. It wasn't a land of milk and honey - just a land of milk and you could drink milk till the cows came home. 

At night, people bathed in milk before drinking warm milk and clambering under milk white quilts. And the babies of this faraway land drank so much milk that it was as if they were inebriated, emitting milky burps before sleeping in their cots. which were, you guessed it, painted orange.

Oh, I almost forgot.... and they all lived happily ever after.


from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/39KbG50