
This afternoon, I ventured into the city centre by bus - specially to see the latest Ken Loach film - "The Old Oak" and I must say that I am very glad that I bothered. It may well be Loach's last film for he will be 88 years old next year. As a lifelong socialist, he has never sold out in his film-making - picking unusual stories that faithfully portray the working class with dignity and compassion. His characters are never caricatures.

"The Old Oak" is set in a deprived former coal mining village in the north east of England. Tensions occur between longstanding residents and Syrian refugees who have come to live amongst them after fleeing from warfare and internal strife in their home country.

At the heart of the drama are two people played by actors who were plucked from obscurity by Ken Lcach himself. There's T.J. Ballantyne, the landlord of  the rundown "Old Oak" pub, played by a former fire fighter called Dave Turner and a young woman from the Syrian community called Yara played by middle school drama teacher Ebla Mari.

It is through them that the two groups come together and in spite of  mutual poverty and suspicion, hope and togetherness are born. Ultimately, there's a bright upbeat message to this emotionally genuine film which contains many moving moments that I freely admit brought tears to my eyes.

The great Ken Loach

from Yorkshire Pudding


 I saw a commercial this morning and its tagline said “Control means everything to me”. I understood the context in relation to the message conveyed by the commercial, but I still had to laugh. My pursuit of control has left me miserable and angry. My therapist is always reminding me to be careful what you wish for. I’ve sought control for as long as my brain could grasp the concept. Control does not give me answers, it robs me of peace. It has been suggested I pray for peace for myself. It’s a work in progress. I usually think to pray as I am under the warm spray. Perfect I am not, but it is a miracle I’m actually starting to listen. 

A lot of you are older than me. Share your wisdom. Please. And if you feel led please pray that I find peace, however God decides it looks for me. 

Thank you.

Love yourself and one another


from R's rue