I brightened the sky, added more stuff to the houses and some other changes.  I think living amongst the houses with people singing off balconies would be a fun thing to experience for about a week.   After a week I would decide if I want to move to a crowded city or stay in the mountains.  I might want to move.
Maybe.  No... forget it - no crowded cities.

I remember for awhile I was having fun drawing city scapes and realized its been several years now since I did this. 

I'm on the fifth season of Outlander and really enjoying it.  I'm going to miss it when it's over.  I think there is one more season and that will be it. 

Are you binge-ing on anything particular that you would recommend?

Raising Money For My Hospice


South West of Trelawnyd there is a flat, wide valley which runs gently down towards the coastal plain nearly six hundred feet below.
One of the fields that border the road seawards has been newly ploughed and seeded and perched proudly in its centre is a somewhat incongruous smiling scarecrow wearing a multicoloured Kagool
I saw him today
Arms outstretched in a Jaunty welcome he faces passing motorists quite cheerfully

Positive and optimistic
It's the only way forward