Thank You Dorothy

Thursday was a surprisingly down day
I had contacted my husband by email  re the final death throe paperwork  of my marriage first thing in the morning and the down feeling never left me until I got home after the cinema

Dorothy had a mad half hour of glee when I let the dogs out for a wee walk and she suddenly decided to leap around like a fat antelope and in a fit of showing off like a toddler who is just feeling their mortality often does, she galloped around the garden and bit the heads off nine daffodils just because she could.
So proud she was at her her work!!!!... I just couldn't tell her she finally stood gasping for breath at my feet with shredded petals in her mouth  ...and with a grin the size of a split water melon .
I bent down to hug her like she was my own personal star.
And her stubby tail span around like with bulldog pride as if it was a 1970s foodmixer
So happy she making me feel so happy

In The Mood

I have been intrigued to see the much discussed Korean movie Parasite since it pissed off Trump by winning best film at the Oscars.
So I popped over to Chester , had soup and a pretentious tap at my iPad in the Jaunty Goat 
before walking around the corner to the Storyhouse for the 3pm seniors (!!!) showing

I didn't get it.
I mean I understood its message about the haves and have nots in South Korean society
But I just didn't get it!
Sometimes you just have to be in the mood for a certain movie
And I think today I needed something rather different

The dogs shared a pizza tea with me
Happily crunching the crusts noisily in front of the fire
I was glad to get home

I had a hot Bath
A weep
And watched Double Indemnity in bed

Barbara and Fred never liked Aldi