
Are you sitting comfortably? Then let's begin. Today's "Quiztime" has no theme - it's  simply general knowledge. As usual, you can find the answers in the "Comments" section.

1. How many ribs does a normal adult human being have?
(a) 13  (b)24 (c)26 (d)34

2. What is the capital of Peru? (a) Quito (b) Lima (c) Santiago (d) Bogota

3. What is a young zebra called? (a) calf (b) foal (c) zebling  (d) zebedee

4. Which singer-songwriter from Cleveland, Ohio wrote "Fast Car"?

5. This painting by Sandro Botticelli is housed in the Uffizi Galleries in Florence, Italy - but what is it called?
(a) The Mona Lisa (b) Aphrodite's Shell 
(c) The Birth of Venus (d) The Glorious Renaissance

6. Who is this figure from twentieth century history?
(a) Charles de Gaulle (b) Benito Mussolini
(c) Neville Chamberlain (d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

7.  In which ocean is the island of Mauritius? 

8. Which fictional group had a big hit in 1969 with "Sugar Sugar"?
(a) The Rolling Stones (b) The Monkees 
(c) The Flintstones (d) The Archies

9. This is a picture of a very famous woman when she was a child but who is it?

10. What is Joe Biden's middle name?
(a) La  Fayette (b) Robinette (c) Limerick (d) Scranton


How did you do?

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/iLJah8G


 In the hollers

Deep in

Those peaks

Finding faith

In the oasis

Of hope

On which

Survival is hinged

When the 

Only hope

Is in

The Father


And Holy Ghost

from R's rue https://ift.tt/laAwDSe


 In the quiet 

Of this early morning 

Feeling peace

The fan

Going round

Is not

To be taken

For granted again

Staring upward



Simple pleasures

Have become

True luxuries

from R's rue https://ift.tt/YSxQslb