
My To Do List

Take Clint to body repairer re. long scratch along passenger side

Arrange test drive in new Hyundai Bayon

Contact roofer re. lost slates at back

Dig over vegetable plot

Go and see Bert for catch up

Get a beer and a slice of pork pie from the fridge

Make new hanging bird table to replace old one

Read "Middlemarch" by George Eliot

Plan holiday to Nova Scotia

Make "Welcome to Yorkshire" sign for Ringinglow Road

Tidy up this computer desk

Sort out photo files on computer
Find portable hard drive I was given as a present

Re-string my guitar

Replace gate at top of the garden

Weigh myself ready for NHS  lung screening call next week

Use £400 hotel voucher I was given for my 70th birthday

Create a pen and ink picture of Phoebe's cuddly sloth - Monty

Plan a Friday photo-walk in the sunshine

Write a blogpost titled "Procrastination" with pressing items that are (amusingly) crossed out using the "strike through"icon

from Yorkshire Pudding


 Some days

You go

To find

A story

And you

End up

Being the story

It felt like spring yesterday, and I was determined to enjoy it. Eat outside check. Window shop at my favorite boutiques. Check. The prong on my cane to melt, and not even know it. A driver rolled down their window, and yelled, “your stick”. A friend I was with had to clue me in that it wasn’t the stick, but the prong that melted. My hands were black. I rushed into the next boutique who showed me to the bathroom, and put the prong in a bag. We had a great laugh at that one. It was then off to CVS, where I bought the last prong they had. Luckily it worked. Thirteen dollars for a prong. I was never more grateful for those long receipts with coupons. I had some to lessen the cost. All this to say, I saw the goodness of humanity yesterday. 

I can complain and worry, but it does me no good. So I just laughed, and then got treated to an ice cream cone. I don’t know if my heart has been changed, or if God using to me to minister to me. I’m just grateful. Life isn’t always great. I won’t sugarcoat it, but I need to find the good. Anxiety and depression are things that plague me, so I have to find the good, for my own sake. 

If I find it in an ice cream cone or the sun warming me up, I will. Acceptance comes in any form. And I will grab that bull by the horns. 

Love yourself and one another

from R's rue