
I must share this with you before I forget it. 

On Thursday morning, Shirley brought Little Phoebe back to our house before I was even up. I heard her downstairs so donned my dressing gown (American: robe) and descended the stairs.

She was in the front room checking out her Gruffalo jigsaw. There are sixteen big pieces  but that's surely enough of a challenge for a small girl who is just two years and nine months old.

I decided to provide a bit of help and successfully clicked in another piece.

Seeing what I had done, Phoebe clapped her hands with glee and cried "Good girl Grandpa! Well done!"

She hears that particular praise quite often but sent my way all I could do was laugh.

Amongst the things I received on the occasion of my birthday was a helium balloon with "Happy 70th Birthday!"printed upon it. Phoebe was the one chosen to present me with it, saying, "There you go Grandpa!".

The balloon is still inflated after three weeks. The helium hasn't entirely leaked away. Since my birthday  Phoebe has been to our house a further seven or eight times and each time she has found that balloon and brought it to me saying, "There you go Grandpa!"

In other Phoebe news, two weeks ago after Sunday dinner she had a big drawing pad on the table. She drew a rough circle with a marker pen and I said to her, "Do two eyes!" and she made two little marks in the middle of the face. Then I said, "Do a nose!" so she did. Next I asked her to do a mouth and she did.

Mum, Dad, Grandpa and Grandpa all praised her with "Good girl Phoebe! Well done!" You should have seen the resulting look upon her little face. She was positively beaming with pride.

It's amazing how far she has come in two years and nine months. And now she waits for her sibling who will change her little life a lot. The baby's due date was last Sunday but apparently nobody told him... or her. Phoebe was "late" too.

from Yorkshire Pudding



You have my attention. After forty years, I’m listening and acting. I am cleaning up what I feed my mind. It feels so good. Forty. The year I’m learning I can no longer do the same things expecting different results.  Insanity no longer serves me. Be brave, be sane and expect to be pleasantly surprised. Thank you Lord for blessing me beyond compare. 

Love yourself and one another. 

from R's rue