Clacker Problem

Hattie' s recent oil painting of the Church
It's the illustration which represents the village Warden Group

At the 8pm clap Hattie and I made a truly miserable social isolating attempt at pulling the Church Bell for the briefest of times .
We had left a donation for Church Funds and hope the vicar has enough to buy a new clacker as I am sure it was the clacker and not us to blame for the poor bell ringing.

Like naughty school girls we both emerged from the vestry , red faced from our poor attempt, and were greeted by the Randas who were less than impressed with the performance ! Affable Despot Jason later wrote on the village what's app forum thus....
" I went down to listen most artists, I feel Johnstruggled to match his first album !" 

At least old Trevor from Cwm Road was happy . He was born in the village 95 years ago and was holding his phone up to his equally aged sister in nearby Prestatyn so she could here the bell ring!!!

Village leader Ian texted " you'll have to do some practice on your rhythm John...." 
Which was answered by The Velvet Voiced Linda who cuttingly said " Anyway what about the bell?

Everyone's a critic !!!!


I looked at it - the old version that is,  and I knew I wanted it different.....   Meaning the way I saw it didn't please me at all.   There was a maroon colored wall behind the vase of flowers and on the wall was another sketch so I removed everthing I didn't like about this sketch and created it again to match the way I now wanted to see it which was to  see the sketch with the focus just on the colors of the flowers not on anything else.

Ever since I saw this quote years ago by Wayne Dyer, it comes to my  mind often when I'm looking at something and realizing I want to see it differently.   It actually works for a lot of things and when I let it I usually like how things have changed.

If you change the way you look at things
The things you look at change