Froth On Your Hot Chocolate

Velvet voiced Linda had told me there was a woodpecker present in the trees around the village pond last week but I only got to hear him hammer today. 
I think my early morning dawn chorus sojourn has turned me into everything birds 

I’m on nights until Monday morning. 
And so we all went to bed for an hour at 1pm and wasted the afternoon by sleeping in until 5.30. 
I cooked a prawn stir fry and walked the girls 
And I’m writing this , in my uniform , coffee in hand.

The nice bit of the day has been a trio of communications .
A friend’s carefully written and honest email; a message from a faraway friend suggesting lunch and a kind mega early birthday card with a gift of a crisp ten pound note in it.

Contacts from friends are always nice but when you are single they can be the real froth on your hot chocolate so to speak.

Flintshire county council sent me a 150 £ rebate too, to help with my fuel bills 

That was a nice gesture too

I can hear the woodpecker again, as I get ready to leave.

from Going Gently

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