

I’ve got some jobs done today. 
This week I have no shifts as I’ve taken some holiday that I was owed.
Living in an old building there is always things to do. 
I bought paint for the back of the cottage which is rendered white and I’m planning to paint the upstairs hall into the east wing the same gentle yellow of the living room.
This is a pragmatic decision as I’ve got far too much yellow paint left over from the living room.
Having said this, it’s humid and damp today so it’s not a day for painting.

I replaced the kitchen door knob, and went out blackberry picking to get the air and to feel the fine rain on my face, but there were few fruits to be seen down the lane than I expected, but there are more sloes to be had on the field borders
It was nice to be soaked though, and my feet in my flip flops squeaked happily as I clip clopped home. 

I booked Roger’s first haircut, paid bills and made bean soup, spiced with garlic and chilli. 
And watched the Queen’s Coffin being taken up the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. 
I see the line heckler that shouted that Andrew was a nonce was dragged backwards out of shot like an extra in one of the Alien films. 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/78UWCrT

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