Another Bank Holiday


The street party in the village takes place tomorrow and already the bunting is in place. One of streets near the memorial hall will be closed and already one curmudgeon has voiced concerns about safety on social media ….apparently there is no “ Escape Route “ for people in case of emergency .
I commended wryly that I hadn’t noticed that we were suffering from a zombie invasion apocalypse so questioned why an escape route was needed.
Affable Despot Jason thought it was funny.
I’ve just seen him, his bunting is out and is in LGBTQ colours rather than the traditional red, white and blue

I slept in until well. After midday 
And drove to Marks & Spencer’s to top up with nice food.
I had coffee with my sister and brother in law and then my sister in law
And will stay the rest of the day at home.

from Going Gently

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