Truth part 3

Thank you for all your support these past few days. I am truly grateful. All my life I have been sensitive about my condition. I have tried to pray it away. For years. That is not the reality. I have begrudgingly acknowledge that to be understood, I will have to let people in to my world. I have resisted that for the most part. I’ve given faint glimpses. When I let the curtain open, I didn’t fully know what to expect. In real life I’m not the greatest communicator, because that’s what I have chosen for so long. I’m seeing that doesn’t work these days. So in order to be understood, I am trying to understand, myself. It’s a learning curve. Please bear with me. Thank you again for your love and support. I am truly grateful. Love to you all. 
On a brighter note:  What is making you smile today?

from R's rue

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