Dumplings and Soup

I’m on the second course of antibiotics. 
I was apparently resistant to the first.  
I was hoping to feel brighter today but don’t  , so after a dog walk. I went back to bed.
That was around 8.30 am
Just after 9am the phone went. It was the builder asking if he could give me a quote for the chimney to be relined. 
He came round almost immediately, a gorgeous big bearded hunk of a guy
I didn’t have the energy to even think of flirting even if I had wanted to.
I may do when he comes to do the job

I went back to bed as soon as he had gone.
Before 10 am my mobile rang. This time it was the vets’ receptionist reminding me to pick up Mary’s meds so wearily I got dressed and  drove the 26 mile round trip to Denbigh to pick them up.
When you live alone there’s no option of asking someone else to do all the mundane things.

On the way home I bought stewing steak and suet from a little shop in Trefnant 
I haven’t eaten anything but toast in the last 24 hours and thought stew and dumplings would be comforting , given my headache, backache and the crappy weather.

I walked the dogs again, put the stew ingredients into the slow cooker and made the dumplings from scratch. Then my phone alerted again. It reminded me to go and do Trefor’s eye dressing.
That didn’t take long. The nonagenarian wanted to be off to the soup and roll lunch at the village hall.

By 3 pm, I curled up on the couch with the dogs feeling a bit sorry for myself
when there was a knock on the door 
It was the velvet voiced Linda from Well Street with a tub of soup in hand
Just what the doctor ordered

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3bJGIKJ

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