Pilgrim’s Way

Dorothy taking Mary for a walk this morning

Yesterday’s Church meeting proved to be useful
I now have a list of around eight villagers who will join in form an action group to support the Pilgrim status of the Church if the Bishop  eventually grants it. 
In the meantime we have asked interested villagers to start a letter writing campaign to the Bishop 

Tomorrow around fifteen pilgrims will stop at Trelawnyd . They are taking part in an annual pilgrimage from Basingwerk Abbey to Bardsey Island on the North Wales Pilgrim’s way and last year the way had attracted 17,000 walkers along the route, which is encouraging given our wish for St Michael’s to become a Pilgrim Church. 
I’ve got cakes and tea all ready for tomorrow’s pilgrim’s to have when they arrive.

Tonight I’m working nights to cover sickness then it’s holiday! I’ve made a rye bread loaf this morning for a patient who is desperate for that home made bread taste .
Next week I’ve got two theatre trips organised one here and one in London and have a ticket to the unofficial Banksy exhibition near Covent Garden as an aside.
I will try and book something else interesting on Friday morning before I return 
I’m also going to Choir on Tuesday and there is also the philharmonic afternoon concert in Liverpool a week on Sunday

Hey ho
The village newsletter has just been delivered


from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3taYNJi

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