Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

This is a nice story. 
It is also a true one .
It happened nearly three years ago now and it a testament to serendipity.
I shared it with a loved one recently, to illustrate how things will often change for the better when you least expect life will......
Like I said it is true.
It was my first visit to my divorce lawyer. 
I had to borrow a car from Jason The Affable Despot to go.
The solicitor’s office was located in St Asaph, right next door to the cathedral, and like today, it was a sunny day. 
I remember little else about the interview apart from the kindness of my solicitor and the projected estimated bill of “ several thousand pounds”   
I left the office numb and silently panicked 
I hadn’t got a bean to my name..
How could I fight any divorce with no car, no money and no job

I sat in the cathedral for the longest of times.
Long enough for one of the ladies that ran a small coffee stall in the corner of the naive to quietly wander over to rest a serviette on the chair next to me.
Eventually, with bleary eyes   I got up and drove home

Mary was racing around the cottage when I walked in. She had a chewed envelope in her mouth. Her and William had attacked the post again, in transference to pulling off the postman’s fingers.
Flat and upset I opened the letter which was covered in bites and terrier saliva
It was from a Solicitor’s office I had instructed months before to look into any PPI claims (personal Protection insurance) I had with banks and credit cards I had in the 1990s
I had long forgotten about it .
Apparently, it said , I had a claim! ........in fact, the woman on the phone said when I hurriedly rang her , I had several claims that were successful and after 30 % fees and VAT and others costs I was in line to receive over eleven thousand pounds ! 
Eleven thousand Pounds ........in fact the final sum was greater than that!
I told the clerk that I could kiss her .....she laughed good humouredly 

That serendipitous windfall saved me . It paid for Bluebell and paid off my credit cards and overdraft and vets bills and it allowed me to put some away for the solicitor , deadening the fear and the worry of officialdom at its worst.

It’s such a frivolous sounding word 
For something that proved to be so vital .

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3t5PNDU

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