41 Guns?

The ruins of the Elizabethan house Siamber Wen located just a stones’ throw South of the centre of the village

According to the village Facebook page there was going to be a 41 gun salute to the Duke Of Edinburgh at midday. I went to collect eggs from the livery stables and managed to snap a brief video of the “ excitement” from the centre of the village.
The salute took place on top of the Gop 
You can here me and villager Mandy discussing the spectacle

On my walk I bumped into Affable Despot Jason who is a staunch republican.

“ 100,000 dead from covid and they are shooting guns off the Gop for Philip...makes my piss boil” he commented ....not his usual smiling self. Mrs Trellis passed with her over erect bobble hat on, and she waved 
Jason and Mrs Trellis ( with Blue)

Jason invited me for a drink in the garden.
More sporadic gunfire echoed over the valley as I headed for home.
The sun is shining and the sky is an azure blue 

I’m making home made gnocchi in a chilli and courgette sauce for supper  

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3uwx8lI

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