A Lie-in

I’m doing something I have not done since I was a teenager 
Something indulgent, something certainly selfish, something just a bit wicked.
As a grown man it has taken me 38 years to revisit it again
It’s a lockdown phenomenon
It’s naughty 
And as one antipodean artist used to say
Can you tell what it is yet? 

I’m talking about the lie in.
Well if I was being totally honest it is a return to bed after a brief early morning dog walk
But you will understand the gist.  

My lie-ins are somewhat loud affairs
They are filled with bulldog snores and the unexpected purring from a cat well know for his silence. 
Occasionally Mary from the window seat will raise a sleepy eye to a passing dog walker and will let out a muffled Woof ! which will in turn illicit a brief hiatus in the purring and the snoring but it is not long before airways are compromised and feline confidence returns and the background noises of the cottage return to normal .
It’s 9.45 am 
Hummmmm.........another half hour is in order.

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/2Z3gNr3

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