
View to Mam Tor (The Shivering Mountain)

We live on a hillside and our road faces north. When there is snow and icy weather - as we have had this week - the road surface can be treacherous. This is the reason why Clint has been in refusal mode.

"If you think I am going out in that you have another thing coming!" the stubborn vehicle retorted.

However, this morning he relented. We could see dry tarmacadam and a couple of vehicles passed by as I was pleading with him to take me to The Hope Valley. I was desperate for a long country walk and I reminded Clint that I  recently bought him a new "Pirelli" front tyre.

"Oh go on then!" he said.

                                See how the powdery snow is blowing on the slopes of Lose Hill

We were in the village of Hope twenty minutes later,  Clint parked himself in a sunny spot on Edale Road - then with boots on I set off across snowy fields towards Lose Hill. 

View to Hope Cement Works

It was a lovely day to be rambling in the Hope Valley though in places the snow had drifted  and I found myself knee deep in the white stuff. From Lose Hill Farm, I headed down to Castleton  before following the nascent River Derwent back to Hope.

Once there was a little antique shop near the village church -  called "Living in Hope". Sadly, that business folded some time ago. I think Hope is a great name for a village and indeed  for the  valley it sits in . Near Lose Hill Farm I took this picture of a signpost. During a deadly pandemic, we all need to find  the path to Hope...

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/3tQsW0n

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