baba Yetu

 It’s just two years since I joined the choir
But we have not sung properly together for going on ten months now.
I am missing it so.
When the choir “ got” a song, and when I say “ got” I mean when we nailed it, Jamie our 1940’s  RAF moustached choir master would often encourage us to to leave the circle in which we sing to experience the harmonies from another perspective .  
“ Walk around and listen” he would say and although I often find physical movement within choir embarrassing , when I finally did so, I was always amazed by how beautiful we could sound
Just thirty people , most of us with no experience in music.
All singing quite beautifully together
I’m finding Tuesday zoom choir meetings somewhat difficult. Singing alone in the kitchen, to a prerecorded track isn’t the same as choir and again my natural ability to become easily embarrassed can take over from the raw confidence singing within a group can give you.
I miss the solidarity of being part of a whole.
I miss the psychological boost of endorphins when my natural shyness starts to disappear in melody

Does that make sense?

I miss those voices around me. 
I miss being enveloped in the magic of the noise we can make
I miss those acoustics of the village hall that makes us sound so much better than we are

This song, Baba Yetu is the Lord’s Prayer in Swahili 
I would love for us to sing it when we meet up, again, properly.

from Going Gently

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