
 Yesterday morning I walked two miles into the centre of Sheffield. I saw this leaf:-

Then I saw this cat sunning itself on a wheelie bin:-

Then I walked past the park keeper's house near the entrance to Endcliffe Park. I know the family who live there:-

As in some other cities, the council have been putting plastic COVID information sleeves round lampposts:-

I rather like the last guide point on this side of the sleeve - "Be patient and kind":-

Soon I was on Hodgson Street where yet more student housing is going up:-

Then I walked the short distance to Headford Street to take this picture of a giant creature by the Sheffield-based street muralist Phlegm:-

I visited a couple of "sports" shops but could not find the Christmas gift I was looking for. Then I nipped into Brenda's fish and chip shop to buy a small portion of chips doused with vinegar and salt. And then I simply came home. All that way just for a bag of chips (American: fries).

In the evening, people from our neighbourhood gathered outside to sing two Christmas carols - "While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night" and "Sweet Chiming Bells". Tony from next door played his French horn and effectively I again led the singing with my booming tenor tones:-

Sweet bells, sweet chiming Christmas bells,
They cheer us on our heavenly way - sweet chiming bells.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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