Here and now


You never said growth would be easy. You never said acceptance would be easy. You never said joy would be easy. Not of it is. Acceptance is a daily process. A daily practice. I’m grateful for a lot in this life, but I’m just acknowledging the reality I face everyday. And it’s a great reality most days, but some days I just need a little more grace. I know there is a reason for everything, it’s just hard to swallow sometimes. So right now, I’m grateful that I can be real, real honest and say that the highlight of my day is to wake up chat with God, friends, write and exercise to alleviate what ails me. I don’t need sympathy. I just need to get it out. I used to put my sorrows in the mason jar, but it didn’t serve me. I used to bottle it up waiting for it to detonate. I don’t have that luxury. 

Working on self takes time. I’m doing the work, but sometimes we hit the triggers that bring up hard truths. Hiding from them doesn’t serve me. So, I’m not hiding them. If the world serves perfection on a platter, I’m running the other way. Don’t lie. Even the richest man has issues, they just have nicer toys to play with. 

So right now, I’m going to curl up with a good book, and get lost in a story, while thinking of my own to tell. 

Love you

from R's rue

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