
Back in April 2006 when this humble Yorkshire blog was in its infancy, there were various lists flying around the blogosphere. I suppose the idea was that by responding, bloggers would reveal hidden truths about themselves. This particular challenge involved lists requiring seven responses under each sub-heading.

I was just a boy of 53  back then. What, if anything, has changed?

Seven Things To Do Before I Die:
(Two out of seven done)
1 - Visit India  ✔DONE
2 – Hand carve a wooden bowl ❌
3 - Grow up 

4 - Learn how 
to wolf whistle with two fingers under my tongue 
5 - Hear one of my own songs on the radio  
6 – Build a Portuguese style barbecue in our garden 

7 - Get to know my grandchildren.
Seven Things I Cannot Do:
(All still true)
1 – Wolf whistle.
2 - Change the spark plugs on a car.
3 – Watch hospital operations on TV.
4 – Pass a beggar without feeling guilty
5 - Physically hurt anyone
6 - Intentionally kill an insect.
7 – Believe in God
Seven Things That Attract Me To...Blogging:
(All still true)
1 - Seeing my own words published.
2 – The randomness of it all.
3 – Contacting other people from around the world.
4 – The design element – how a blog looks.
5 - Freedom of choice – what I put.
6 – Regular contacts with favourite bloggers.
7 - It beats watching TV.
Seven Things I Say Most Often:
What was true in 2006 and what's true now in 2024.
1 – Chairs under everybody! I'm just going shopping.
2 – What’s for tea?  Would you like a cup of tea?
3 – Good morning! Good morning!
4 – Thank you  Thank you
5 – Oo! That's better. Good night love!
6 – Fucking hell. Do we have to watch this shit?
7 - Pint of bitter please. I'm just going out to feed the birds.
Seven Books That I Love:
(All still true)
1 – Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte 

2 – Nostromo – Joseph Conrad  

3 - Kes – Barry Hines  

4 – Angela’s Ashes - Frank McCourt  

5 - The Magus - John Fowles  

6 - Jude The Obscure - Thomas Hardy  

7 – Animal Farm - George Orwell  

Seven Movies That I Could Watch Again:
(All still true)
1 – Schindler’s List 

2 - Titanic

3 – Once Upon a Time in America 

4 - Midnight Express 

5 - One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest 

6 - The Last Picture Show 

7 - Mutiny on The Bounty 

If you are so inclined, you are welcome to take up this old challenge and create your own lists of seven under the six sub-headings. Shouldn't there have been seven sub-headings?

from Yorkshire Pudding

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